The various clubs below are an opportunity to bond with like-minded individuals to learn and share.
There are held once-a-month at the Idhya Studio.
Join Now by clicking below.

This hour is specially kept to encourage the practice of meditation in the community. We also understand that many people in the city want a peaceful and tranquil space to meditate, and Idhya offers an ideal
environment for it.
It has an open structure where different ways of meditating are explored. It is free for all and open to all.

SENior CitiZen Club
Youthfulness is not about when you were born but how vibrantly Alive you are – Sadguru
This initiative is for senior citizens to engage and discover new ways in unfolding their potential.
It could be yoga, music, dance or art.
Membership is also available, where a mix of all these activities can be done

Idhya’s Learn and Earn Initiative envisions imparting skill-based training to budding artists, with the desire to learn and grow, who can potentially make an artistic means of livelihood through it.
Training will be provided in various Artforms and is provided at the Idhya Studio.
- Knitting and Crochet
- Macrame and Fibre Art
- Painting
This initiative is to empower any one with the interest and the pursuit of these Artforms, to continue on their artistic journey and make it a sustainable means to grow.
For participating in the program as an artist or a collaborator, drop us an email